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Trump touts himself as the "law & order" president 2 justify sending federal officers N2 cities 2 quell protests. In 1989 Biden touted himself as a "law & order" politician in the mold of Nixon. Trump said "Lock the S.O.B.s up" who wont stand 4 the anthem.
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When running 4 office in 1972, Biden said we needed to "lock the S.O.B.s up" in demanding a new crime bill & in 1993, Biden said he wanted 2 rid America of "violent thugs" & "predators on our streets." Of course Hillary chimed in calling black children "superpredators."
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I see Trump & Biden as 2 sides of the same coin, one more boisterous than the other. A quick peruse thru old clips & you will see the Biden of yesteryear w/just as much bravado, just as racially demonizing, & just as harmful to black life as Donnie T. So what changed?
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How did a man who defended segregationists while rubbing shoulders with Klansmen in Congress for years now become black people's new White Jesus? Better yet, why would Kenyan American Barack Obama have chosen someone with this type of history to be his Vice President?
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Why would black Congressman Jim Clyburn endorse someone w/such a racist history? Oh I forgot, it was all in the past right? What about Biden emphasizing how "articulate" Obama was during 2008 Democrat primary or telling black folk "You ain't black" if u dont vote him?
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This is not 2 suggest Bernie Sanders was any better. How could a man who was pro-Jewish reparations & forked his entire career on fighting for government to do big things for small people be so anti-reparations for blacks? Imagine how the primary might have turned out.
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What I'm getting at is this type of racism never dies in a white person. On a base level, many, if not most white people, inherently believe black people are inferior to them & if you listen carefully, every now & then, their racism will spill out & bubble 2 the surface.
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Even the most well meaning of white liberals can be racist AF. They aren't even consciously aware of it. During my Ivy League days, I would always point out to the white liberals there, "If you're not racist, why is this whole damn university filled with white people?
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They thought they were there because they were the smartest & by smart, I meant because they had the highest GPAs from prep schools & had the highest standardized test scores. Never mind, they built & owned all the prep schools & write all the damn tests. Never mind....
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..white people have developed all the metrics 2 quantify & decide who is smart & who is not, whose beautiful & whose not, whats fashionable & whats not, who is credit worthy & who is not, who should be hired & who should not, who should be stopped/shot & who should not.
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White people pull all the levers in this damn country. I dont care if they are Dem or Repub no white person in America is ever going 2 give up the privilege & power that comes w/white skin. Just know that racism will be on the ballot this November no matter who u vote 4
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