Instagrammable Hospital in Calgary! 🥰 Mike and I learned there was a low risk surgery I can do to see if I may have no-symptom endometriosis, which may be the answer to our “unexplained infertility” diagnosis.
It’s one of those weird things where we hope something is wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol so at least we finally know why we can’t conceive. However knowing our luck with this, probably they will find nothing lol.

Anyway, goodbye for a few hours! 🤞🏻
Update: @MikethyKing couldn't be with me for surgery because of work sched but my dear friend @RachyLees was my caretaker.

We both cried when doctors confirmed they removed endometriosis from me, which for unexplained infertility, means it could likely be the infertility cause.
The doctors did not want to get mine and @MikethyKing's hopes up (understandably) but we feel like we have renewed hope that maybe we will be able to conceive naturally after all, after our six+ years of trying.
It is frustrating that no-symptom endometriosis could have been the cause of our unexplained infertility all this time and this surgery to check (& remove if so) wasn't even mentioned to us as an option. It was only when suggested by a gynaecologist friend that we looked into it.
Not being able to conceive in the traditional or conventional ways and being on this unexplained infertility journey for so many years has really highlighted to us a big lack in education in women's health as well as a big gap in how infertility is treated. It's upsetting.
I do want to give a big, big shout out and thank you to Dr. Rajakumar and Dr. Wagner and the various nurses including Tanya of the Day Surgery unit at South Health Campus in Calgary who were so kind and caring. I am so grateful for them and we are feeling very hopeful. 👶🏼
I have more thoughts I'd like to share (remember I am an everything happens for a reason kind of person lol) but that probably makes sense for an infertility update blog post.

Thank you for your kind replies I will be getting to after I eat and sleep a bit more. lol
Also I'm just so grateful for our free health care and our amazing health care workers and I'm in shock with what is happening with our government and its attack on doctors please stop. They deserve only / all good things (but at the very least respect from their health minister)
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