Sorry for anyone who i'm about to offend but its getting tiring. The show was almost named after Aras and the first episode introduces us to the brothers. Thats how it started. You dont get to tell us how its about Azkar, Efyam, Nehyam and whoever. Yes, i also ship Yasen and the-
1st episode may had started with them but it was quickly OBVIOUS that it was more about the family and yamac. Aras and Yamac IS and WILL always be the main character along with the brothers themselves. The others are just secondary characters. The show IS about the cukur-
neighborhood and the way things work there and how yamac/his family can handle all of that. Azer, Timsah etc are just the villains. This is not their story and it definitely is not a story about their relationships. Yes, you may learn things about them BUT CUKUR IS NOT-
ABOUT THEM. Cukur is about Yamac and his family. Don't go around telling people that Azer's fam is the only normal family bc Azer is a villain and a killer and his fam knows what he's doing so that doesn't make him any less bad/more of a saint to others lol. I know ships are-
supposed to exist of course and I understand that there are ppl with more chemistry and ppl are going to love them but pls don't tell me that cukur is about them bc i'm about to be extremely selfish rn and tell u that i was here BEFORE CUKUR EVEN STARTED and it was only me-
charlotte and gentiana rting/tweeting and being excited over this and i know this makes me extra selfish but idc one bit rn bc we didnt have any of the characters u like, back then. it was just aras and dilan mostly :)
hell, we didn't even know who dilan was back then, we only watched FOR ARAS. So, you can't come here and tell me that this show is ruined and the only good thing is Azkar and whatever you fucking ship. Yes, the senario has changed and shitty things may have happened but-
this show IS and WILL ALWAYS be about Aras and the character he portrays. Have a nice day and sorry if i sounded mean and selfish and every bad thing but i am tired of seeing that this show is about Azkar, Efyam, Nehyam when it clearly isn't. A is the (ONLY) lead of the show :)
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