As someone who has 4 (diagnosed) mental illnesses (PTSD, major depressive disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and BPD) who struggles immensely with dissociative issues and has multiple fears and triggers, it is always frustrating to see people either mock mental health
And/or romanticise it as if it’s something cute and light hearted. These kind of behaviours are harmful, toxic and just damn right insensitive and I would feel the exact same why even if I were not suffering from any of the issues I mentioned previously
But considering I do have these very prevalent issues that are apart of my life and are already very confusing, isolating and dark on their own.. I, or anyone suffering do not need anyone adding to their already damaging effects.
People who are fully functioning, mentally stable, healthy people acting as if it’s cute to have mental illnesses.. really are so blissfully unaware of what the realities of living with mental illness is actually like. Please shut the fuck up and just DONT
Like it’s already hard enough to get people to understand mental illness and to take it seriously. It’s already hard enough having to be mentally ill. And then always feeling like you have to explain yourself, so people know why you are the way you are.
The other day at my friends daughters 2nd birthday lunch, I had to constantly explaing why I am absolutely terrified of balloons and why I couldn’t function and was on edge out of fear of them popping at any moment. And even I explained it, I still felt like an idiot
And as though everyone thought I was being irrational. People thought it was funny and “quirky” but it’s not. I had to explain that I have PTSD, what that it is and how my intense fear or balloons and loud (especially sudden loud noises) noises relates to all of that
I had to block my ears and was unable to move from my seat to leave the bedroom because their daughter had the balloon and they had to take it off her and take it out of the room. I felt so embarrassed and like I ruined her birthday
So MANY spelling and grammatical mishaps in this thread. Ffs 🤪
Whatever bro, my mind goes faster than my fingers and shit happens. My point is still clear. Don’t be an ignorant/insensitive piece of shit and if you don’t understand or suffer from mental illness, pipe the fuck down.
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