i have absolutely had it with the men on social media who think it's okay to be outright and aggressively creepy or sexual without invitation or consent and then turn around and make excuses like 'im depressed/suicidal/having a hard time' when they get called out

/a thread
take your fucken baggage to therapy like everyone else. we're all sad, it's fucken 2020. but don't make the women here just trying to tell jokes or just enjoy themselves carry the burden of all your shitty life choices and regrets.
no one wants to see your dick, babe. if they did i promise they'd fucken tell you about it.
and to people that defend or encourage this behaviour in others: stop. it isn't fun or funny to be made to feel like the only interesting thing about you is the fact that you have or might have a vagina.
this isn't about anyone or anything in particular but if you feel called out by it maybe it's time to reassess how you act on here and also in real life
learn how to be a goddamn adult like the rest of us
i'm gonna go back to jokes now which is what i love doing. i am particularly fond of social media and this website has lead me to some wonderful friendships with men and women and nb folks and truly it bums me out when some people ruin these spaces for others
one last thing, presented by this guy and his balloons
that guy is @BLCKSMTHdesign sorry should have included that bit
now that you've made it this far might i offer you some v excellent people to check out if you just need to read a joke:

way too many dudes came to visit this tweet and took it as a challenge to prove it correct, you simply hate to see it
want some more cool funny people since you're still here okay fine


alright my power's out and i'm tired of fighting so this is officially the end of this thread, be good to one another
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