The are few examples of colonial hangover more blatant than how India turns the results of a civil service entrance exam into like a super duper exciting media circus despite most said babus then doing little more than converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.
This is why the average indian gormint babu is this heady combination of arrogance, entitlement, and lack of expertise. They are chosen based on memorizing random trivia, have a fun resort experience they pretend is "training", and are then given jobs for life sans accountability
Cos UPSC basically still tests for what Brits wanted - someone obedient, can host parties, speak good english, have enough general knowledge to sound interesting, keep the locals calm despite being hungry and poor, and most importantly, perpetuate this obsolete system forever.
The biggest propaganda win of babudom is that most indians will still think they are very smart and competent and intellectual giants and Indian governance is in shambles despite their memorizing competition success review, not because they are obviously bad at their jobs.
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