So, I'm scrolling through my Instagram explorer page and crying because it's making me happy because everything on it is #Riverdale, but then it makes me sad because I'm miserable waiting for Season 5 to come out. Fucking Covid is destroying family lives, and lives in general.
It's a scary and painful time, and it's a super emotional time for everyone. I don't know if this is true for everyone, but it's definitely true for me, we're sitting here reflecting on all the good times and bad times, and destroying ourselves over it, then lashing out at people
Because of it, and it fucking sucks and it's painful. And I've destroyed many friendships over the course of, and right before, these many outbreaks of Covid. I haven't cried myself to sleep in a good three months, but who's to say it won't happen tonight? Because I'm driving
Myself crazy over things that I can't control, and little to nobody can control. But here's the most serious part of this thread, what we can control is whether or not we decide to wear a mask and contribute to lessening the number of Covid cases globally. Now I'm not one to be
This fucking pushy with it. But if you're not wearing, or haven't been wearing a mask, PUT ON A FUCKING MASK. I don't care if you don't care about your own health, take care of your family, if you have a baby, you need to wear a mask, if you have elderly family in your household
Wear a mask, if you have anyone that you care about who is even just the slightest bit more susceptible to Covid, WEAR A FUCKING MASK. If you're not wearing a mask in public, you are showing that you could give less of a fuck about your family, or yourself, which is really fucked
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