In 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BJP paid Chinese-govt linked companies 1.15 crores for running their campaign.

What's more shocking?

These companies are among the SAME ones that have been recently "banned" in India for their links to the Chinese Govt.


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In July, Modi govt banned 59 Chinese apps. It also claimed that some of them have deep links with the Chinese Govt & People's Liberation Army (PLA).

The companies alleged by Modi govt to be close to China include: ShareIT, UC Web Browser, & Tencent.

Now, let me take you to BJP's expenditure report for the Lok Sabha elections 2019 which was filed with the Election Commission.

This report details the payments made by BJP to companies for running its election campaign.

1. UC Web Mobile

This is one of the apps that was "banned" last month by the Modi govt.

But wait - BJP hired them to run their 2019 Lok Sabha campaign according to their own expenditure report!

It gets crazier. In 2017, the Modi govt had flagged Alibaba-owned UC Web Browser for sending data of Indians to China.

Despite this, BJP hired them for their 2019 Lok Sabha campaign.

And now, last month, they banned them for being Chinese agents.

2. Gamma Gaana Ltd. (Tencent of China)

There's another company called Gamma Gaana which BJP hired for the elections.

Let's check out the Directors of Gaama Gaana Ltd.

One of the Directors on board of Gamma Gaana Ltd. is a Chinese National named Po Shu Yueng.

Incidentally, Po Shu Yueng also happens to be the Director of "10c India Pvt. Ltd."

Fun Fact: 10c stands for "Tencent" - the Chinese company.

The other directors of "10c India Pvt Ltd" include:

1. Ajay Kejriwal - Finance Head at Tencent
2. Nilay Arora - Country Head & VP at Tencent
3. Another Chinese national named Kam Fai Yun

Gamma Gaana Ltd. operates with funding from Tencent.

In July, the Modi Govt claimed that both Alibaba & Tencent have deep links with the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA).

And yet - they ran Lok Sabha election operations for the BJP in 2019.

3. ShareIT Technology

ShareIT of China was among the apps banned last month by the Modi govt for being a threat to "the sovereignty & integrity of India".

But incidentally, BJP hired them for their 2019 Lok Sabha campaign as well.

It begs the questions:

1. How much of Indian data was given by BJP/Modi govt to these Chinese-govt linked firms during Lok Sabha elections?

2. What was the role of Chinese Govt. in helping BJP in the Lok Sabha election campaign?

3. How deep do these Chinese links go?

BJP has routinely held "exchange programs" with Communist Party of China.

Modi met Xi Jinping 18 times.

Last month, John Bolton said that Trump asked Xi to interfere in US elections.

How much has China helped Modi in elections that he doesn't even utter their name?

PS: Here’s a link to the truncated BJP expenditure report file for whoever wants to check and verify the source: 
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