I have said most of what I want to say on this matter in my previous thread, but here are a couple more thoughts having written on Irish Nationalist Catholics. In their conception of Ireland, there appears to be little room for Muslims. There seems to be several views of Islam https://twitter.com/CatholicArena/status/1290358774147043329
1 That it doesn't integrate. Look at the accusations of the people. I'm not naive saying that FGM doesn't happen in Ireland. 2 But as the Muslims who have made a home here or convert (this does happen), their celebration of St. Patrick's day is never enough. They will be accused
Of Sharia law, jahid, etc. Because their celebration of St Patrick's day is more secular (let's be real like the majority of celebrations in Ireland and worldwide) it is illegitimate as Ireland is Christian. The petition describes Croke Park as "sacred" as far as I'm aware apart
From it's name, Croke Park has a connection with Irish nationalism (Bloody Sunday and obviously Irish sport) but there's nothing in that which I can't see a Muslim, Christian or atheist as understanding. It is not sacred in any religious sense and therefore what is the problem?
The protesters in the article say that they are sick of Muslims infiltrating Irish institutions and also mention a Soros (rolls eyes I know people who have been accused of connections to Soros. They don't, they actually believe what they say and have pretty much no funding for
What they are doing) So are Muslims infiltrating these institutions on behalf of their extremists or Soros, because I am pretty sure they have different agendas. Maybe now this might be crazy rather than either position they see value in Ireland and their communities and so want
To take part in local institutions. Maybe we should stop treating Islam as other. I don't know when Islam first came to Ireland but often non-Christian religions can be found earlier than you might think in Christian majority countries. Yes many Muslims who come here have
Emigrated but there have been Muslims in Europe for centuries. There is so much more to say like the relationship between Islam and the Secular Left is more complicated than these people are treating it and I don't feel this thread is articulate as the other one but I'll end here
And say you can be Irish and Muslim. There's no dichotomy between the two
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