If only you guys knew some people with the ability to affect the reporting on that story. https://twitter.com/guardian/status/1290367686959083520
The Guardian: if you want to save fearless journalism, please donate to support us in speaking truth to power.
Also The Guardian: narrative was mysteriously skewed by press somehow 🤷‍♂️
In the UK, journalism is a mighty force for freedom and democracy when it wants your money, but a poor little baby with no real power or influence when you hold it to account for its actions.
UK papers: You should VOTE BREXIT to stop BROWN PEOPLE feeding POISON to BRITISH DUCKS for a LAUGH
*Brexit happens*
UK papers: this is really on you tbh, we were just reflecting our readers' views
The irony is, the press here actually is both powerful (in that it essentially wields the entire authority of the current UK government, from which it is mostly indistinguishable) and powerless (it has to follow their message).
But since the press is only too happy to be a delivery system for government messaging, they tell us it works the opposite way round - that their power lies in dissent, and their powerlessness in regulation.
The UK government doesn't need to regulate its press: they're already utterly compliant because it's the same group of people running both sectors.
We say it all the time, but there is a corrupt power axis in place in the UK, with the media, banking and political sectors all being indistinguishable in terms of career choice for a certain class of arsehole.
They move freely between them, and the power they have in each role is essentially unchanged. It's just a big circle-jerk of home counties poshos who all went to the same schools and universities, rotating through various titles.
You only have to look at how Boris Johnson was basically ordained PM-in-waiting a decade or so ago. It was literally like he was just waiting his turn to get a go on the bumper cars.
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