I don't know who needs to hear this (politicians), but COVID-19 deaths per country isn't a competition.

The aim isn't to have less than someone else, it's not to be able to say "well X country are doing worse than us", the aim should be to have as few deaths as possible. 1/
Likewise, if you're boasting about how your nation's method of treatment/control/track and trace is "world leading", but you're not actively sharing that protocol with other nations, you're doing nothing but stroking your own ego. 2/
If someone says to you "We have X deaths, this is awful, we must stop this", why is your response "well if you fiddle the statistics, actually other nations have more" and not "here's how we're doing our absolute best to to protect and inform our citizens". It's deporable. 3/
A pandemic isn't a time to be crowing over the failings of other nations in order to minimise your own and further your agenda. Surely it's a time to be coming together to help and support each other?
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