I've really enjoyed Leithart's new little book on the 10 Commandments. It's got challenge, comfort, and above all Christ as the Son who hears and keeps his Father's ten words perfectly. Here's a tidbit from each chapter:
1 - “The First Word creates a company of subversives who refuse to bow to the thousand-and-one idols of the age.”

2 - The Second Word summons us to resist the temptation to fear, trust, serve, and live by the spectacle.”
3 - “When a minister pronounces a triune blessing, the congregation assumes again its baptismal name and is commissioned once again to ‘bear’ the name into the world.”
4 -
“Sabbath pauses life’s noise. It’s the silence that tunes our ears to Yahweh’s word...We’re always on the Lord’s time, but the Sabbath embeds that truth in weekly habit.”
5 - “The Fifth Word explodes the satanic myths of self-creation by teaching that unchosen relationships have moral weight.”
6 - “We even hide our anger from ourselves. The angriest people would be shocked to hear that they’re angry, even though they live in continuous defiance of the Sixth Word.”
7 - "By keeping the Seventh Word, we dramatise the good news of Jesus, the Bridegroom of the church, who gives himself in utter fidelity to and for his Bride.”
8 - “All children of Adam are thieves, stealing God’s holy things, assaulting God’s image by assaulting the property of others. Above all, we steal ourselves from God.”
9 - “The Ninth Word is a fitting word for our mediated age. We’re spun by a whirlpool of rumour, innuendo, false accusation, slander, libel.”
10 - “We are genuinely free only if our desires are trained, only if we have been brought out of the Egypt of self-love to embrace proper objects of love.”

END. Get the book, it's well worth it!
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