I absolutely love Nwanyi Ocha. But again, igbo men that are married to white women know better than to treat them anyhow. The system abroad is not like here where women don't have power im their homes. You do anyhow and loose everything. I'm sure her husband treats her well. https://twitter.com/AfamDeluxo/status/1290372207059886081
Now thats my opinion,it mustnt tally withyours and Its OK to disagree with me. Insult me I insult you back. But if you insult any member of family,I'll insult your entire generation.

Read through this thread. If you don't agree with me,disagree politely and get out of my mentions....

As for you patriarchy princesses, well done. I see you all. Its OK to say you're cool with it patriarchy pretending like it doesn't exist,Pele o.
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