[ gonestars ]

hi! skye/gonestars mod here. i don’t know how much of that recent callout thread was spread around, but i just wanted to take the time to clarify any confusion about this while i have the time!

ill be showing screenshots with blocked names to explain further.
to start things off:

gonestars is a KILLING GAME themed game. of course, topics related to gore and death and the likes will be brought up, and even so i take precautions to tag everything that people may need tagged to avoid any unnecessary panic or anything bad happening.
you aren’t obligated to read everything that’s tagged. you aren’t obligated to get involved in conversations that involve topics that you’re discomforted by, and that’s ok! participants, let alone anyone spectating in the server are allowed to engage in what they want to.
if something wasn’t tagged and i was asked to tag it, id make adjustments without question. i prioritize the comfort of those in the server above all else.

now, id like to touch on what sparked this callout thread to be posted.
[ necrophilia mentions ]

during season two of gonestars, there was an alliance request made by one of the participants regarding disturbing topics (as shown in the screenshot below). people could request to join this alliance, and in doing so would get access to a private chat.
it’s clearly stated in this screenshot by the one that requested this alliance that those who are easily disturbed shouldn’t open the tagged message. people had the choice to either join this alliance or not. joining the alliance would grant them access to a locked channel.
this locked channel was hidden from all members expect the mods and the participants who requested to join, and this channel was where all of their disturbing talk remained. even in this channel things were tagged, and all topics within the chat were not once brought out.
the channel used to talk about these things is deleted as of a few hours ago, and that was on my part for deleting the channel. anxiety kicked in and i deleted the channel in a moment of panic.

when season two ended, all locked alliance chats were open to the public.
this was a customary thing to each season after it ended. anyone could open a previously locked chat and read what had happened over the season if they liked, and the ‘disturbing things’ alliance chat was no exception to this.

and that’s when the callout post comes in.
again, names will be blocked out.

a post was made by a user who i won’t be naming about how they wanted people involved in gonestars to block them. when asked for their reasoning, they responded with what is shown in the second photo attached to this tweet.
i can say with 100% certainty that there was never any talk about necrophilia. i will admit that topics such as corpse kissing was brought up, but it was done so on scarce occasions and was tagged appropriately to avoid discomforting others. but necrophilia? not once.
topics were always, ALWAYS tagged accordingly to avoid people becoming uncomfortable. if anything wasn’t tagged appropriately there was always a quick heads up given as a reminder. not once was anything gorey or disturbing left untagged ON PURPOSE for anyone to see.
alongside this, op decided to post a list of usernames for people to supposedly block - those usernames belonged to everyone that was associated with this ‘disturbing things’ alliance.

for the sake of keeping their identities hidden, i won’t be sharing that list.
though, i would like to state that the majority of those that were on op’s list were MINORS. kids under the age of 18. accusing minors of necrophilia, especially without any solid evidence to back up your claims, is outright wrong. you can’t make these claims without evidence.
stated by op themselves, all of their evidence came from a friend of theirs - a single eye witness. that’s everything that they have to go off of before making these claims... which is hardly enough information to make a proper accusation.
adding onto their statements, they also began to start slandering the server as a whole, as well as me, the mod.
i would like to get this out of the way: the server as a whole shouldn’t be represented by ONE thing that you came across. there’s more to the server beyond this one discomforting thing that you happened to come across.
the gonestars server and all of its members are much, much more beyond this singular alliance chat. as such, the server and everyone in it shouldn’t be categorized under these claims because of one incident - a good 97% of the server chose to remain away from these topics.
regarding me myself as the mod: i am very aware of what happens in the server and i would step in without hesitation should something that’s happening turn in a sour direction. it’s my job as the mod to regulate the server and make sure the environment is safe for everyone.
as such, when the alliance was first requested, i saw no harm in allowing it to pass, as 1. not everyone was required to join, 2. all disturbing topics would have a ‘go-to’ place to be put, and 3. those who weren’t involved wouldn’t have to see the channel’s contents directly.
these are my words on the matter. my only intentions in making this thread are to clarify any confusion that might’ve started to revolve around gonestars because of the callout thread that was made.

in no way, shape or form was necrophilia a main topic in gonestars. not once.
if you happen to know who the op of the callout thread is, PLEASE DON’T ATTACK THEM! this is meant to dispel of any negative emotions that might’ve been surrounding gonestars.

i don’t want people to start witch-hunting op because of the thread they made.
hopefully i was able to clarify anything that you might’ve been confused on or worried about over the past few hours.

thank you for taking the time to read this thread!
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