what awaits for doyoung and treasure during debut?

- three of cups
- six of pentacles
- the fool

i regularly ask my guide regarding treasure and i realized that i should share what i got today. take this with a light heart please, it's only been a few months since i started.
celebrations and friendships.

good things are bound to happen, so there's that. though what i'm specifically getting with the three of cups is that doyoung would find greater importance with the bond he has with the team members. a grateful heart is there is, happiness too.
may it be fan gifts or (of course) their hardearned money would find their way to treasure.

six of pentacles also tells the realization that the boys would really be able to grasp with how much they are supported by people. they're rewarded and they would feel that immensely.
beginnings. a new chapter.

that's exactly what the fool means. this is a new step for treasure and they would be out there. they're also a new group, so yeah.

the boys are ready to give what they have, and that's on all in.
i keep on getting new friends so i guess these boys would be able to get in contact with other idols? they'd be able to make new bonds or just meet the ones they've already known that they haven't met for quite a time.
what is the overall mood for doyoung's debut?

- knight of swords
- queen of pentacles
- seven of swords
doyoung feels at home on stage. he knows he's meant to perform really. and as this promotion goes on, with all the recognition they will be getting, doyoung would be able to find more confidence within himself as a performer. he knows his skills and he will be known for that.
oracle cards this time:

first card: treasure
second card: doyoung

blessings coming into fruitition. the boys clearly know that if they work harder, they'll receive more. they understand the give and take relationship of their work and that's what they utilize as an inspiration.

they wish for this and that, not only for their own
greed. the fans, the staffs, their family — they have these special people in mind with the hopes of receiving awards and such, knowing of the shared victory all will be celebrating at the end of the day.

they're really working hard and just doing their very best for this debut.

with the three card pull's message, this oracle card tells me that with all of this going on, doyoung knows what to do.

he's aware of the need to check on himself within his hectic schedule. he's aware always and he knows it's fine to do so.
he understands that at times surrendering himself to the universe is not a bad and selfish idea.

he knows that he needs some timeout, despite of his passionate nature and his willingness to be even better. he can be rough on himself, but he knows to what extent he can handle.
my friend and tarot mentor (@/frmjnlnn) looked into ji and suk through a live a while ago. i wrote down the deck regarding their chemistry as leaders. it'd be a waste not to share.

suk's are on the upper and ji's are down below. though the cards can still go both ways for them.
hyunsuk's cards:
- ace of cups (in reverse)
- eight of wands
- eight of cups

jihoon's cards:
- seven of wands
- the fool
- page of cups
ace of cups (in reverse) and seven of wands:

hyunsuk can be really hard on himself. when things may not go his way, he'd really feel bad about it and he overbears this emotion.

but with jihoon around, ji would tell suk to snap out of it and get him to his senses.
and if jihoon would be the one being too much of this logical person, i may say. suk would be there to tell him to probably think things through and reevaluate more in a sense.

they neutralize each other and keeps this good balance in this type of matter.
eight of wands and the fool:

suk can be very impulsive, and just full head on, not knowing breaks. he'd be too fast-paced, and would just see things in a straight and narrow matter.

jihoon, in their dynamic, though is as excited as suk, he'd be the one to slow him down.
eight of cups and page of cups:

hyunsuk would have this time of timidity, like he'd just shut down.

when this happens, jihoon would take that sense to be more in charge. though yes, they share the same responsibilities but when it's needed, ji's willing to take in more.
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