guides on how to not be ableist and support people who are neurodivergent a thread :
this WHOLE thread is important
know your audience !! personally i don’t get offended if someone calls me a freak BUT some people do so if you’re gonna say the word freak make sure you know who you’re saying it to !!
let's talk about terminalogy and the r slur itself. neurodivergent simply means "one whose neurological development and state are atypical." (neurodivergent people can struggle with sociability, learning, attention, mood
and other mental functions.) the r slur has been used against neurodivergent people for a long time to put us down and make us feel lesser. it has also been given a negative connotation and used as the equivalent to words such as dumb or stupid.
ableism doesn’t just look like calling someone a retard ( i am neurodivergent it is my slur to reclaim) it looks like making fun of a neurodivergents hyperfixations, making fun of someone using a cane or wheelchair, or not speaking up when u hear someone use the r slur
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