The production of Julius Caesar I was in ended today. Here is a thread of Julius Caesar quotes that just really slap.
"He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous."
-Caesar, 1.2
"I love the name of honor more than I fear death"
-Brutus, 1.2
(Brutus was the original Zuko, don't @ me)
"I know he would not be a wolf but that he sees the Romans are but sheep"
-Cassius, 1.3
"The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power."
-Brutus, 2.1
Brutus: Kneel not, gentle Portia.
Portia: I should need not if you were gentle, Brutus.

(if Portia said that to me I think I would die immediately)
"Dwell I but in the suburbs of your good pleasure?"
-Portia, 2.1
"When beggars die there are no comets seen. The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes."
-Calphurnia, 2.2
"Alas, my lord. Your wisdom is consumed in confidence."
-Calphurnia, 2.2

(I think a lot of men could stand to be told this)
Sleepy, so I'll come back to this thread tomorrow, but
the pettiness in the tent scene slaps the MOST

Cassius: Tempt me no farther
Brutus: Away, slight man!

Cassius: I said an elder soldier, not a better. Did I say better?
Brutus: If you did, I care not.
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