I’m not gonna lie, YA fantasy this past year has been a tough one for me. For some ODD reason I’ve been leaning into the contemporary way more than usual. I’ve only really read like two that I have loved with all my heart. BUT GUESS WHAT... RAYBEARER IS ONE OF THEM.
I fell in LOVE with the world Jordan Ifueko creates in Raybearer. It felt new and unique.
ALSO the TIMELIME OF THIS BOOK. As a reader you basically get to see these characters grow, but none of it I REPEAT none of it feels rushed.
#Raybearer by @jifueko is a FIVE STAR read in my books and is going down as one of my favourites this year. I highly recommend reading it when it comes out very shortly (August 18th)!

Here’s a link to preorder it if you haven’t already done so : https://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/9781419739828/jordan-ifueko/raybearer
You can follow @Splintered_Luv.
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