It ain't my birthday no more... So I have things to say
Somebody gonna send me a message talmbout some "what do I think about people burning Bibles"
I do not mourn the loss of biblical reproductions... I mourn the loss of human life
I saw a grown man kick a woman while she was laying on the ground... That is offensive to me
If you burn every Bible in circulation my faith is not shaken... Because the word has been hidden in my heart.
Christians do not idolize the Bible... We study it so that we might be able to be thoughtful followers of Christ
What good is protecting a book of scriptures you won't think through
It's a whole lot of despicable acts that we have witnessed in the last 67 days... If that's were you drew the line...I invite you to interrogate the... Death, ministry, and life of the Lily of the valley... Who was killed by the empire.
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