1/ "Progressive liberal" telling me what a Handmaid's Tale look like in real life. I lived a light version of this shit, I believed my body was dirty and rotten for simply being female. No one will tell me to shut the f*ck up when I see people saying muslim women have a choice. +
2/ It's not a choice when you can get ostracised, killed or even go to prison, or even to live a life in fear of going to hell. It is never a choice. Religious women born in communities that purity and modesty are ideals, learn they're digusting and the cause to men to sin. +
3/ This shit is not fair. We live in religious cultures that manipulate and control us to fear our bodies, to accept abuse and to accept to not be seen and heard. We loose our identities or we "choose" to give up our personalities for the sake of faith and "godly" men. +
4/ We are BRAINWASHED to see our bodies as a "temple" for men, god, but never to ourselves. We are BRAINWASHED to see our bodies as corrupted and rotten, the cause of men to fall. But MEN are adults and can control themselves if they really respect women. +
5/ We lose our personalities for the sake of submission, of being a good wife, daughter, we learn to bow down and dismiss that we're humans who can controls our f*cking lives instead of being children in the need of a daddy or a f*cking saviour. +
6/ Modesty and purity ideals kill women, dehumanize us into sex toys, brainless beings ready to serve no matter what as if it is our duty to serve and live for men, putting them first while we are killing our own personhood. +
7/ "It's for faith, modesty, submission, god, purpose of life, sense of being" we learn to trick our f*cking selves. We learn to kill our own humanity so men can always get a pass to tell us what to do with our pussy, uterus, breasts using laws, church, mosques, god, faith. +
8/ This shit is unfair and perverse and cruel. And I'm tired of this sh*t. I'm tired of people saying modesty is a choice, purity's a choice. It's mental slavery. If we choose not to be modest, we will be treated like an animal that men can f*ck with whenever they feel like it. +
9/ If we choose not to be pure, we will be treated like garbage, something you can trash, and a thing no one really cares, sometimes not even our mothers. If we choose to not play by their "godly" rules, they gonna justify rape, honor killing, justify we not having humanity. +
10/ We learn to always live for men, by men and with men, even when they hurt and shit on us. We're told to be by their side even when they abuse, spit on us, abuse. "It's our duty". It is what we learn in religious cultures of modesty, purity and submission. +
11/ Truth's we're still a "god's gift to men", not humans with autonomy, personality, or life at all. We go to sermons and meetings and groups to be reminded we're the glory of men, not our own glory. That men are the glory of god, that they will get virgins and sh*t. +
12/ This life is not fair. To grow up in a female body and be perceived as woman is to grow up in a trap, in a prison, that everyone tell us what to do with every little inch of our bodies. Close your legs, wear bras but don't look like you're wearing one, don't be around boys. +
13/ Millions of "do not", millions of "no". Don't study much, or they will get afraid of you. Don't be a leader, or they will not stick around, be gentle but not enough to be cute or they will see you like a child, your female voice is irritating, doesn't fit for x, y, w. +
14/ Fact is women can only make choices fearing for their lives, for their reputation, for even the love of their family and friends. Everything must be careful. We are supposed to be emotional, never reasonable, they teach us to believe in limitations that do not even exist. +
15/ We live a life limited in our own bodies, we grow up afraid of being too pretty or too ugly, we grow up afraid of being raped by our dads, brothers, uncles, grandfathers. Our mothers teach us that so we don't live the shit they did. We learn there we're never really safe. +
16/ We learn that we can't even have opinions on things that will affect us or other girls and women we care about, feel fear for their lives. I lived a light version of The Handmaid's Tale, and I will not let "progressive liberals" tell me burka, hijab is a choice, because... +
17/ I read multiple stories of women going to prison, be "honor" killed, raped, tortured by their societies and families. When I read stories of women who feel afraid their own hair will get them to eternal torture. +
18/ There are girls I only met online, and they have to be careful to not be killed by their family. They can't dress what they want without slut-shaming, and even when they leave their abusive and controlling families and societies, the sh*t they learned makes them cry. +
19/ Makes them to cry at night in fear that people saw their hand. Makes them cry because purity, modesty and submission doesn't make them safe in their own skins. They still live haunted, and maybe they will forever have all the shame they learned to haunt them till they die. +
20/ Religions, politics and culture make our lifes living hells inside & out of our bodies. We're trapped & we're still supposed to shut the f*ck up on things that affect our lives, that affect girls that we met online but we see them as our sisters and friends. +
21/ But maybe we never gonna meet them because someone found out they want to wear bikinis, and for that they can die. Or they want to say no to hijab, but they will go to prison. I'm mad and tired about all this and ppl calling themselves progressive when they are so not. *end*
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