1/ You can do very good contact tracing, get good information and connect the dots if you do it in a standardised way with the same software nationwide. https://twitter.com/shaunscapades/status/1290245493956608002
2/ CT (Contacttracer) need to sit down with the IP (infected person) trace all E (events) where IP met people and put them with the SW (software) in a DT (database).
3/ If CT guarantees anonymity, explains importance of honesty and praises the IP's contribution to contain the disease, return will be quite good. E need to be identified with time an place (=ETP). It is especially important to define ETP where many People meet.
4/ SW (Software) must be able, with help of People monitoring it, to build a grid of ETP from all IP. SW then can calculate probabilities on which TP transmission occur.
5/ Data Protection must be absolute; every CT and any Person having access to SW and DB must be subjected to absolute medical secrecy and an IP's identity is never allowed to be released to any other person than CT or the doctors who care for him.
6/ @SwissCovid19STF should urgently elaborate new policy brief about how Contracttracing is best performed including also collection of useful data in a standardised way.
7/ This will certainly contain strong recommendation for standardisation and for @BAG_OFSP_UFSP @EDI_DFI to take lead over cantons @GDK_CDS. Competition for SW can be hold. SW must be simple, reliable and able to run on most used PC-Systems, APP for CT can be added.
Need for such solutions was foreseeable since the beginning of the epidemic. Not having done it so far shouldn't hinder anybody to invest himself now even stronger.
I am very busy today in my practice an can react to feedbacks only late tonight.
You can follow @petertomasi1.
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