The thing with racists is they have no sense of progress and history. They believe the world is as small as their minds.

Covid Crow Law has opened a lot of eyes of white people and has given them a sense of oppression. Add seeing an unarmed black man beg for his life as a /1
police officer is kneeling on his neck has shook up white America. Social media and discussion has given a view of the world many have not experienced. So when the “president” of the United States stoke racial fear, dismantled institutions, incite hate, use guerrilla tactics /2
on peaceful protestors, suppress votes, and willfully commit genocide on the American people in hopes to remain in power, he will lose.
His sycophants will lose. Republicans will lose. Because they do not understand the value of being an American. They do not understand /3
people were willing to die to free slaves, to have the opportunity to vote, to end inequality and segregation, to marry the person they choose to marry. An ignorant orange buffoon can go on about voter fraud, burn the post office, and talk about rigged elections, but /4
here is the twist. People are not stupid. Not even all of his base (most just doesn’t care). Women are forming human walls to protect protestors. Biden is out there consoling people and giving hope. The other day we witnessed 3 former Presidents speak of heroism, /5
hope, and decency among Americans. John Lewis and John McCain both had these same men eulogize them. No one will ever say the same about Donald Trump. He is a coward. He’s cruel and inhumane, and he is a very stupid creature. He is definitely not American. So /6
when I watch the media repeat the Trumpfedercy nonsense and bullshit, I scoff. I think of my dad and grandfathers, black men who fought for this country only to come home and teach their kids and grandkids how say “sir” and “ma’am’ to police no matter what. I think of my /7
grandparents putting on their church clothes to go vote. I remember how I couldn’t wait to call my grandfather to tell him I registered to vote on the very day I turned 18. Donald Trump cannot change the tenacity of America. He will never understand people opening /8
their homes all the way in Utah, when the levees broke. He will never understand the strength and bonds of the American community in places like El Paso, Charleston, Pittsburg, Parkland, Minneapolis, and Charlottesville. He will never know that Lincoln, MLK, Harvey, RFK, /9
Medgar, and 4 little girls in a church did not die in vain. Donald Trump will NEVER be an American hero. He will be remembered as a treacherous buffoon, a coward with fake bone spurs, a nasty narcissist, and a caricature of hatred. There will be no Trump statues /10
to tear down because he is not worth wasting the concrete.
America is not a perfect nation and we never will be. But we are resilient and we will make it through the Trumpfedercy era. Stay strong. God Bless
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