I learned tonight that my 87-year-old grandfather tested positive for Covid. It appears that he was exposed because the in-home aide sent by the company I will not name ignored or plea that the staff not work other facilities. One works the jail and now my grandfather has COVID.
This was a business choice by the company to ignore the directive of an elderly couple with compromised immune systems in the interest of maximizing their productivity and profitability during this Covid pandemic. @GovBillLee wants to give them immunity.
This talk about immunity is not about sticking it to the “evil trial lawyers“ but rather about giving blank checks to their corporate buddies to allow for them to continue to gobble up American financial resources without any responsibility for the harm they will do.
If the TN legislature convenes a special session to give these businesses carte blanche to spread this deadly disease so that they can remain profitable, the citizens of Tennessee must stand up and reject them at the ballot box in November. Morality demands it. #OurLivesMatter
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