In April I tweeted about the importance of hospital policies avoiding FORCED newborn separation if COVID+.

I was torn to shreds by docs here for stating that patients deserve choice (backed by both WHO & CDC recs at the time).
Months later the AAP has *finally* joined WHO and CDC in supporting autonomy & choice in decision to separate (or not) from your newborn if you are COVID+.

But this experience and the words of one pediatrician in particular absolutely haunt me.
I expressed concern about science-supported (ie real, not theoretical) increased risk of PPD, PTSD, bonding issues, & low milk supply in the mother. Her response was chilling:
“I don’t care about the mothers desires or risks, my patient is the baby & my job is to protect the baby from her harm.”
The message was clear. I am the doctor. I know what’s best for your child. I cannot provide sound reasoning for my actions, nor science for you to risk-analyze, but it doesn’t hurt me & covers my ass legally to do this. So, I will.
We cannot think this way in medicine any longer. We are not paternalistic rule enforcers. We are not responsible for making our patients decisions for them. We are not in charge. We simply relay risk, benefit, and recommendations.

Informed consents MATTERS.
Coercion is WRONG.
We are educators. When you can educate effectively on risks and benefits, share your expert recommendations, and still honor your patient’s choices EVEN when they aren’t the ones you would make, THEN you are a good doctor.

And only then.
Despite WHO, CDC, & (finally) AAP recommendations for shared decision making, hospitals are STILL forcing separation.

This should be illegal.
At minimum it is blatantly unethical.

Please email me if this has happened to you or you have media contacts to shine a light on this.
You can follow @MamaDoctorJones.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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