OK medieval cartography fans. Wanna play an ontology game with me? It's called "this is a map" or, "this is not a map" and it's going on right now in real time. We'll start easy: this is a map, right? 1/6
Ok, let's level up. This is: a. totally a map, b. seems kinda mappy, c. not a map. 2/6
Still with me? Allright, how 'bout this one: has geographic stuff, but no labels. Map? 3/6
OK, slightly harder- this one has a label, and geography. Still a map? 4/6
Ok last one. Has labels, check. Has things placed in relation to each other. Also, geography. Map? 5/6
Thanks, guys. All comments welcome as I prepare my spreadsheet of maps that are also not maps. 6/6
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