1/ Kudos to @CMSGov for following through on intentions to increase relative pay for "the kind of care where clinicians need to spend more face-to-face time with patients, like primary care and complex or chronic disease management."

2/ When the "relative value units" for every billable procedure in healthcare is set, new technology/ procedures tend to get high assessments of complexity and effort.

When, over time, specialists get really good (and quick) at them, these "RVUs" are rarely revised downwards
3/ this is part of the reason why there is such a big disparity in pay in the US between doctors who mostly talk to patients, and those who mostly perform procedures.

Also related, why we have a primary care shortage.

(Credit Medscape)
6/ but in this case, it was the RUC itself that recommended these reforms to increase relative value of "cognitive procedures"

I'd love to know the inside story of those deliberations!
7/ the changes certainly won't equalize pay between specialties, but (if finalized) will give family physicians a 13% bump! (And also help rheumatology, oncology, endocrinology)

I sure hope the knives don't come out from those who will see some decrease from budget neurrality
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