i dont care for any of the characters. all of their development is horrible and im not even given any reasons to care. characters that aren’t playing in games with isagi are doomed for bad development bc the mangaka doesn’t know how to pace or show multiple things. there is https://twitter.com/nagifc/status/1290457693245902849
almost no filler which would be a good thing if it weren’t for the fact that every game is meant to be important. its game after game after game and irdc at that point. none of the characters backstories are w/ enough detail that they stick. i forgot kuon even got a backstory
until i was reminded by vic. kuon was a really good character who could’ve been a good continued part to the story but it looks like they sniped him right after he became useless to isagi’s development.
i do not care abt isagi as an mc. setups arent done well. we’ve been told numerous times that sae is this god at soccer but they dont seem to wont to show us. so why should we even believe that? is it even gonna pay off well when they play against him?
wait this is doing a lil good stan ryuseitai!!
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