Okay I’m gonna go through this chart in detail for the TL because (a) I like Adina and (b) my followers might enjoy seeing how I work through horary questions. At the outset let me explain I use a whole-sign “Persian” style of horary, which is a bit different to the Lilly school. https://twitter.com/adinarising/status/1290380457964638208
Here’s the chart in whole sign houses, so you can all follow along at home. Please note: I will not be responding to comments along the lines of “Whole sign houses for horary?! Pfft, get outta here!!” So keep those thoughts to yourselves thanks 😘
Okay for starters we need to sort out our significators - we always give Lord 1 and the Moon to the querent, but which one takes primacy? According to Masha’Allah, this depends on whether Lord 1 beholds the ASC or is joined to a planet that beholds the ASC.
Lord 1 Mars is in the 6th so it does not behold the ASC, but it is joined by degree to Jupiter in the 3rd which does look at the ASC by sextile, and it is also looking at a bunch of other planets that look at the ASC (Sun, Moon, Mercury). So Lord 1 is your primary significator.
Okay so how is Mars? In the 6th, slow, in Aries; so on the one hand cadent and slow, but on the other hand strongly dignified by domicile. This represents the current job - and we can confirm this because the antiscion of Mars is closely conjunct the MC degree at 10° Virgo.
The 6th house placement suggests the job is laborious, thankless, or possibly a bit “beneath you”...
... but the strong dignity suggests that it is nevertheless a “good” job, perhaps in the sense that it supports you or provides for you.
Slowness suggests a lack of impetus, so this suggests that you are a bit reluctant to switch from your current role to a new role, or that circumstances may be holding you back.
So right away, just from looking closely at Lord 1 we have some useful info - but now we need to consider, is the alternative job better?
The alternative job (work study) is signified by the 10th whole sign house, Leo. The Sun is Lord 10 and is placed in Leo. So how is this alternate job? Wonderful! A strongly dignified planet in an angular house, it would be hard to find a better indicator than this.
My quadrant aficionados will be wondering “But what about the MC being in Virgo?” Well, we look to the MC in another sign as a kind of secondary indicator of career matters. It’s neat to see that the Lord of the MC Mercury is in the 9th WSH (education) - very apt for work study!
So on a straight comparison (“this job or that one?”) it looks like the alternative job is a great option - signified by the Sun in Leo in the 10th, it looks rather attractive. Now let’s turn to the aspects to see what dynamics are at play and what is likely to transpire.
Mars is in a very tight partile square with Jupiter in the 3rd WSH Capricorn. Jupiter is in the exaltation of Mars so there is some nice reception here. Jupiter is in the superior position so it overcomes Mars, suggesting that whatever Jupiter signifies is a dominant concern.
So what does Jupiter signify? He rules the 2nd WSH Sagittarius so he signifies money. He also rules the 5th WSH (children, games, sex) but I feel those topics are less relevant to this type of inquiry, so let’s focus on Jupiter’s rulership of the 2nd.
Jupiter is retrograde, in its fall, in a cadent house and copresent with Saturn - so this suggests money is tight and likely a big looming concern for you. The overcoming square indicates this is something you are forced to deal with, not something you can easily “work around.”
Once Mars departs from the square with Jupiter, its next non-lunar aspect is a trine with the Sun. So this is encouraging. It’s also really nice to see Mars received in the exaltation of the Sun. This suggests that there is a possibility that you do go and get the work study job.
But before Mars can toddle off to link hands with the Sun, it must first deal with this square to Jupiter. Technically, if we follow a strict rules-focused approach to horary, Jupiter is “cutting the light” of Mars and preventing the aspect to the Sun from perfecting.
So we might legitimately wonder “Is this a negative answer? Is the chart saying ‘No new job for you’?” Well, I’m not so strict as some; my attitude is that not all intervening (or interrupting) aspects will prevent matters from perfecting. As always in astrology, “it depends.”
Here Mars is receiving Jupiter into his exaltation, which does a LOT to mitigate the nastiness of the overcoming square. The presence of reception is very encouraging and does make me wonder if this is something you can handle.
Recalling that Jupiter signifies your money situation, I think the right answer to your horary question is (annoyingly) another question: “Can you take on the (apparently big) financial risk that seems implicit in the switch to work study?”
We can get some additional info from the Moon, your secondary significator. The Moon is angular, peregrine (as usual LOL), moving at a decent clip, and very full of light. The Moon is separating from an opposition with the Sun and applying to a sextile with Mars.
Noting that the Moon is separating from the Sun, and heading towards Mars in the 6th, perhaps the likely outcome is that you don’t take the work study role and that you remain in your current role. But as this is a “should” question, making predictions is less useful to you.
Oh and on that note - I do think “should” questions are perfectly valid for horary (respectfully disagreeing with my colleagues here) but you have to reorient your approach away from prediction and more towards qualitative factors, to help the client make an informed decision.
So yeah that’s how I’d probably read this chart 😊 I may have missed some things because I’m working off my phone, so apologies if I stuffed anything up. I’m going to try to do more example charts over the coming weeks and months so keep an eye out for that. Cheers 💗
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