Too many latinos deny their blackness
Latinos, specifically Puerto Rico, was a meshing of many many ethnicities. Africans, Native Americans, and Europeans.
Some of the people from the island seem to claim more of one out of those three. Like they aren’t mixed with all of them...

For the most part, latinos have a unique position because they share the same socioeconomic atrocities as American Black People
Yet, many (older) latinos still have a weird take on black people.

Makes 0 sense to me. Just because your skin is slightky more fair doesn’t mean the YT people like YOU. (Yes I’m speaking to Latinos who look like me)
So it’s important to listen, relate, and plan with your black brothers and sisters because you’re from the same cloth, and the ethnicity on the contrary isn’t FOR YOU. It’s not like this shit is any different for you just because you speak spanish and not southern drawl.
I am so close with many of my black coworkers because we all share the same reception of disrespect from our (other) coworkers and the racism shit runs deep. We hear comments amd stereotypes about how minorties don’t work, have kids young, and rely on the gov to live.
Not to mention subtly racist jokes... But aye man, i’m not one to bitch. This is just me telling you latinos to not get too comfortable around the wrong people, who prob don’t give a single fuck about you and your culture. It’s a fucking free for all, B
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