16/5 The fall that shut down the world.

This video of a Wuhan man “falling dead” from COVID went viral in January. Farcical, in hindsight.

17/ In CCP interview, Editor-in-Chief of Lancet praises CCP’s lockdowns:

"not only the right thing to do, but it also showed other countries how they should respond in the face of such an acute threat. So, I think we have a great deal to thank China for" https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1187265.shtml
19/ South Dakota Governor @govkristinoem famously refused to issue a state lockdown.

Her decision didn't sit well with Beijing. CCP's army of fake accounts began filling her Twitter feed with abuse to punish her disobedience and pressure her to shut down her state.
20/ By contrast, the accounts heap praise on governors who tighten lockdowns, like Dan Andrews, gov of Victoria, AUS.

Andrews' long-time staffer attended a high-level CCP academy. An MP leading Andrews' Belt & Road negotiations with Beijing lauded China's handling of COVID.
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