In an interesting twist, I have to return to eating meat after being a vegetarian since around 2006 (and it's not a debate, neither with the #vegetarian community or the #abled community) it's literally a matter of science (and science does not care, at all, about your feelings).
My body, unfortunately, requires a ridiculous amount of protein, and a very small amount of carbohydrates, and other nutrients that cannot be satiated on a plant based diet alone; additionally, with my disabilities, there are certain plants I cannot eat (they inflame my system)
So, in 2020, I am going to do me. It's not really where I saw myself headed, it's not where I want to be, but lacking the financial resources to eat the way I would like to, and in order to handle the various chronic illnesses which I experience, it's time to try a new track.
While I have never been a proselytizing vegetarian, I had always thought that since Humans could reason, the "higher plane" (speciesist, I know) that logically the more moral thing to do was be vegetarian.
If 2020 has taught me anything, it's that Humans, in no way, have any moral authority in the Animal I'm going to make like a lion, and eat a gazelle...for my own health, and so I can live to fight fascism another day.
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