Predictions for the future of Silicon Valley:

• Remains startup innovation hub for next 10+ years
• Exports more capital + advice to founders globally
• New norm: commuting 2-3 days/week into office
• Becomes startup university town @ lower price pt

(a short thread)
Talent density is a hard network effect to break. Yes, people are leaving the Bay Area –– but they're able to because of the networks they’ve built here.

Hopefully a declining cost of living makes it possible for new people to move to SV and get experience building startups.
The virus has broken the location monopoly. You don’t need to be in SV to build a great company. But if you’re building one in Ohio or Kenya, you may want access to $/advice from veterans who've scaled successfully. SV will need to learn to invest over Zoom and arm the rebels!
While the virus also broke the paradigm of being tethered to an office every day, working in isolation may not be the answer either.

The “flexible work” model gives employees maximum freedom & means less commuting, traffic and office space-related burn.
The future of Silicon Valley, the place, may be akin to a university town. Aspiring builders spend 4 years here, learn how to build and leave to take the startup ethos to the farthest corners of the world.

That sounds like a better Silicon Valley to me.
Perhaps @balajis said it best during our recent podcast conversation:

“The Internet is the next Silicon Valley. It's an infinite frontier where you can form pleasing configurations of electrons with your own hands. And you don't need to get a license from anybody to build."
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