I wonder if all the ageists contemplate being told at 70 that they are too old—and thus assumed too feeble—to accomplish anything. đŸ€”

Pelosi, RBG, Jane Fonda, Betty White, Gloria Steinem, and pretty much an entire generation who fought/fight for your rights would like a word.
And since I got your time, support @EdMarkey—another amazing senator from MA, founder of the GND, original M4A sponsor, leading the way in tech, criminal justice, and econ reform, yet being primaried bc he’s ‘too old to make change’—in the Sept 1 primary! http://Www.edmarkey.com 
Welp did not see this much attention coming 😂 If this gets to 1,000 likes and 200 RT Ill donate a $100 to a group of your choice. Will post a poll with some options!
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