If inspections are cancelled today (they will be) there HAS to be an extension to the tenant protections brought in earlier in the year.

Those protections expire at the end of Sept and if tenants can't inspect new properties they will not be able to secure been leases. /1
Unfortunately such protections won't help our situation, but we are far from the only tenants being forced to move in the next 6ish weeks.

Rentals are less secure than ever with owners moving back into their properties due to financial hardships. /2
I do not hold that against any person, but it's tenants that have to do the hard work when this happens. We have to scramble to find new places and navigate the rental market through a pandemic, risking our health at the same time. /3
I don't want anyone to go through what we are right now, it's not fun and tenants deserve to know they won't be thrown to the curb when this is over.

And what about those whose lease expire a week after lockdown?
It is not feasible to secure a new rental in a week. /4
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