Hi! I don’t know if any of my moots or followers will see this but I feel I should post something before I just disappear from this account. I want to say I’ve been so happy to meet so many Armys on here and many ppl who share the same love for all the boys. +
However, I am going to abandon this account for a bit then come back and delete many, if not all of my tweets to gain a fresh start with a different account. Do not mistake, I still love BTS and am not ‘unstanning’ I am simply leaving the fandom and army twitter.
I have multiple physical health issues which do not aid my mental health at all. As this fandom is not what it once was and now is a breeding ground for more hostility I have chosen to leave for my own health. As someone who has been following BTS since around 2015 it is +
Heartbreaking to see the things “armys” say to each other or start arguments over. Although I did not get twitter until way later (2015 middle school me did not have the latest technology so twitter was crazy to try to figure out even tho we’re the gen. Of technology lol) +
I’m rambling a bit and getting off topic but basically I wanted to say two things: 1) Thank you so much to those who have been nothing but sweet to me on here, you might not know but some moots were there for me when times were rough. I have rly liked being able to +
Express my love for each of our boys in Bangtan with others and watching them grow and achieve so many things has left me proud and inspired me to preserve. 2) if you are a new army, old army, moot, anyone and you have read my thread this far or stumbled upon this tweet, +
Please, work to make this fandom something to be able to escape the stress of life with. I understand there may be external factors (or fandoms) that make it hard sometimes but at least make it better within ARMYS. I could say so much more but I don’t want to make this too +
Long.I still suck at functioning twitter so I’m sorry if this thread is wacky. I will be DMing certain moots to say special goodbyes or explaining further my health situation so they are not too scared but I wanted to say a public goodbye for moots I don’t regularly DM. Bye army!
You can follow @jiminsleggies.
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