re: the person yesterday who said “i like amanda’s music but not her politics”, let’s break it down. my music is political. if you hate my politics how can you like my music, unless you’re a person that ignores lyrics.
my music is MADE OF WORDS.
example a
example b.
this song is like 7 minutes long & has only words and words and more words. it is political.
is it about...ukuleles? or about A SHITTY CULTURE OF RERESSION & VIOLENCE & HOW THE ANTIDOTE IS ART & CATHARSIS?? you decide!!! it’s art! 🎨😊
example c.
here is a song by my band the @DresdenDolls with a million words that is also about how shitty and horrifying corporate/commercial culture is. it is political. haven’t ever listened to the lyrics? go listen to the lyrics. i love these lyrics.
example d.
this is a song with a lot of words from my latest record. i say the word abortion in the song. i didn’t know how rare that was until i released it...and people told me. it’s one of the best songs i’ve ever written. it is political.
example e.
this is a song with actually not as many words recorded in 2008, written after columbine, that i re-released in 2018. it is about school shootings. it is political.
example f.
this song with a lot of words is about climate change denial, internet bullying & how overconnection on devices but underconnection in real life is tearing our hearts and souls apart and disconnecting us all at a fundamental level. it’s...yeah.
example g.
this is a song with a lot of words about harvey weinstein. it is also political!! oh wait.....nope. sorry. it’s political.
example h.
okay one more. this is the ukulele song with a lot of words that i put out this summer about mass shootings. it is...wait for it...yes. yeah. it’s political.
i’m too tired to come up with examples i-z. i’ll let y’all help.
summary: if you think you can like my music and not my politics, you have a super-human ability to ignore words....

join me next week for my @tmorello zoom tribute band show Rage Against the Dishwasher

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