After 126 years under a Confederate battle emblem, Mississippi is choosing a new flag.

Nothing matters until it's rated. This is a definitive and objective review of these submissions.
Block color is a little played out. I think this more painterly approach with hand bolded lettering really makes this one stand out. By setting the state in the 3rd trimester of its pregnancy, it points us to the future. And I like the spider in the center. Very creative.

As a rule: all flags including dumb birds will receive no stars. This one gets a warning.

I like the sharpness of the stars on the floor and ceiling. Makes me feel trapped. Just like flappy bird. A little on the nose.

A very curvy and slippery shape. Too horny, I think, for a state flag. Though as piece of art, I've never seen a more sexy boot.

It's important to pick a flag that will make a good rug pattern. Not that you're going to step on it, but like why not get a design for a state flag and rug for the price of one.

This one evokes a sense of cosmic dread. The dumb bird clipped out of the sky and pasted here as the great seal of Mississippi falls from the sky. Will it survive? Will any of us survive? Crooked letter. Crooked letter. Eye.

Disqualified for bird.
Because if a flag isn't allienating someone, is it really flag?
This flag covered my car in yellow pollen. I hate this flag.
It's important that whatever you do, make it so disaffected teens can tattoo it on their bodies. Siliar to the outline, this one screams upper arm or side rib.

If there is one flag that speaks to me, its this one:

A pallid face looks into the open. Clasping stolen anemones, he screams searching for a prayer written on a Whataburger receipt that morning, an affirmation lost.

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