gemini, libra, aquarius ✉️🦋

it seems like you’re waiting for someone to give you a chance or waiting for something to come into fruition. flow with the winds of change and time. there’s a lot of repressed energy around you. like you’re holding things back
or feel like you can’t fully express yourself to anyone in the way you’d like. in the way people would understand you. you’re also going through a phase of introspection and unknown energy. it’s making you a little anxious. there’s a bit of nerves. trust the process.
keep nourishing yourself. you’re finding comfort in self and i’m actually seeing you paving your own way. this can feel isolating. maybe you haven’t been talking or interacting much. maybe you’ve only been interacting with a few. you’re detoxing & purifying
the energy surrounding you. this is all to help you on your new chapter. i’m seeing things will be a bit quiet for you until September. take the time to just live. you need creativity, fun, spontaneity in your life. do something different. your inner child is calling, loudly.
if this is for you, you will know in your heart. don’t try to make anything fit but claim all blessings with “so it is!”

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