The leaked bodycam footage from the murder of #GeorgeFloyd is heartbreaking to watch. Dude is visibly scared from the moment a police officer knocks on his car window. Asks him a few times to promise he won't shoot him. You can tell he's terrified. Scary stuff, scary country.
Judging from the cops words, they think he's on something because in the words of the officer Floyd was "acting weird". So that's why he died. Because some man thought he was acting weird. Floyd was a big guy but you can feel his terror. Horrible stuff.
He keeps saying he's scared and he's claustrophobic and if they could put him in the front seat. At one point he says "I don't wanna guys are doing me bad". Chillingly he then says something like "I got anxiety, I'm scared as fuck, gonna stop breathing"...
Throughout it all, he keeps saying over and over "I'm not a bad guy, I'm not a bad guy".
Ah fuck I should have stopped one point Floyd says "Tell my kids I love them. I'm dead"...ah fuck.
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