you know what’s perfectly okay? defending the faith. following the prophet. believing in modern revelation.

what’s not? attacking people online for having negative experiences in the church and who want to see change. attacking people for their sexuality or stance on sexuality.
believing certain things are wrong is okay. shaming and bullying people for thinking differently than you is not.
shaming people for finding fault in a church run by imperfect people is not okay. the church and its members are NOT infallible
my point is the church is not without flaws and attacking people for trying to create a better space for everyone within her walls is the opposite of what Christ asks of us.
stop hiding behind the venir of diligence and “following the prophet”- President Nelson would chastise you for the racist and homophobic things y’all come screaming about. just be honest, you WANT to be hateful and you’re hiding behind the church to do that
there is nothing more blasphemous than using Christ’s name to justify hate, and THAT is what is wrong with deznat.
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