For digital marketing, strategy is only:

1. What channels should we be in
2. How are they driving sales (or leads)
3. What is the growth of 1 and 2?

Everything else is tactics.
This of course assumes you have both a business strategy and plan; and a clear brand proposition/messaging, along with a product that actually solves a need of some kind.
There are a finite number of channels.

Once you pick your focus channels, you find specialists in each one.

Then you audit, measure, and relentlessly optimize and create around them.
I get asked all the time "does your agency do X?"

Well that depends, I say. Why are you doing X? How important is it to you?

We don't do X if we don't think you need it.
This isn't a Wendy's.
and this is the power of the virtual company. we're the AWS of digital marketing.

Sic us on a problem, then we'll go find the people to do it better than anyone else.
Problem is way too many "agencies" got fat on not proving results. Bloated creative budgets, slick and sexy offices, trying to keep perks in line with VC funded tech companies.

What tool people use is irrelevant. Can your consultant get you results, and how fast?
Your consultant shouldn't be paid a percentage of ad spend in total. Otherwise their objectives and yours are in conflict.

It's exactly why you use a fee based financial planner.
Will that cheap agency tell you that the data out of that tool is suspect as well?

Will that expensive agency tell you that they're marking up labor by 200%?
Don't be impressed by "growth hackers."

Digital marketing is hard ONLY because it requires discipline and grit and consistency.

There's no secret sauce beyond that. No priesthood. It's all about time and effort which can be measured-in metrics determined upfront.
Now on the other side, if you're abusive to your agency, you shouldn't expect them to be your partner in arms.

Jerking them around on payment terms, unreasonable churn, abusive staff: all reasons you should be charged an asshole tax and treated accordingly.
One reason agencies become embittered and grizzled is they've been screwed over by disloyal clients.

If your agency's been a good partner, don't fuck them over. You treat them well, the good ones will kill themselves for you.
If you Treat your agency like a commodity, don't be surprised if your work is pump and dump quality.

Chances are the signs were there from the beginning, if everyone's honest about it.
If everyone would focus on the business, cut the bullshit and ego posturing; and be fair, transparent and honest; a lot more marketing would be a lot more effective.

my two cents for the day
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