Weirder than the pandemic is the fact that everyone seems to think capitalism was working just fine and all we need to do is get back to ‘normal’. Capitalism is what got us here. It is a system that crashes every 10 years and relies on creating immense poverty and destruction
workers are being forced out to work in unsafe conditions as businesses reopen early because capitalists know labour is what generates the profits they rely on. It will also be workers who foot the bill for lost profits from pandemic via flagged changes to wages and conditions
Workers will continue to be squeezed more and more. Why should we allow everything that we need and want for survival to depend on the profit making decisions of a tiny minority ? #auspol
For all the hope that the pandemic would lead people to question the very fundamentals of our endless growth & trickle down economic system, there seems to be more denial than ever that capitalism itself is just no longer viable as a means a long term prosperity #auspol
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