virgo, taurus, cap ✉️🦋

deep down inside you know what to do. if you haven’t been seeing messages that resonate or feeling drawn to any, it’s because there’s an aura of silence around you. don’t give up. you know what you need and you have what you need. you need to trust self
you’re being asked to get in touch with your inner wisdom. start by paying attention to your feelings. they’ve been intense lately and a lot has been coming up. but these feelings are sending you messages. these feelings are telling you what you like, what you hate and what +
you’re afraid of. your feelings are telling you what you need more of. you just have to listen. you have to feel without drowning. move away from voices of those in your environment. comparing yourself to the external world is causing detriment to you. the fears & the desires are
popping up for you to either challenge or accept them. either way, you’re being asked to take a new perspective of the situation. you’re being asked to sit in this space of unknowning. the space of unknowing is what allows you to cultivate what you need. things not
working out means there’s something better you’re supposed to have. when things get destroyed, it means there’s another path to take. it will be outside of your comfort zone. you will need to ask for help. that is okay. things will workout once you challenge the way you’d
like to do things or challenge the way you think things should go. take in the world and observe without judgment. fall in love with existence again. find the lessons and the reasons. know that everything will be okay and everything will work out.
if this is for you, you will know in your heart. don’t try to make anything fit but claim all blessings with “so it is!”

if you resonated with this message, tips are highly appreciated. thank you for receiving this message 🌞🍃
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