The drama with #MeTooSTEM is a reminder that starting a new organization and/or program is a major legal responsibility as well as moral one and unfortunately we live in a society that encourages people to just start 501c3s willy nilly
I know one person got big funding from the NSF to start a program and then called me to ask me how to run it.

Folks. Don’t propose programs that you’re not competent to run. Don’t start movement organizations if you don’t have a clear plan of how to manage them.
I don’t care if it helps you get that NSF money. These are people’s lives you’re dealing with.

Related: the only recent STEM org startup that I trust to run programs and events and offer advising is @VanguardSTEM. That’s it.
A lot of folks out there are offering consulting as part of a business or a 501c3 and I just wanna remind you that anyone can start either of those things and some of them are charismatic and some of them are BIPOC even and that doesn’t mean they’re good at it
Yup. Andrea Smith is someone who has been identified by many as problematic. Luckily, she's only the author of the preface and there are lots of other people to learn from in the book.
And who knows, maybe you can find a used copy without her in it
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