here's the thing about calling BLM all "communists": a thread

it's odd, and there are couple strands working at once that we should untangle, for our own clarity

the two main strains i see are this;

1. Critical Race Theory
2. simple tribal warfare

let's explore both
Critical Race Theory or (CRT, hereafter), is a something that developed WAY after Marx, 100 years later or so. It was even post-Frankfurt.

but it does operate on some of the base "firmware" of Orthodox Marxism, class conflict and oppressor / oppressed dynamic
Where Marx talked about conflict between the owners who exploited the workers, Critical Theory (from Frankfurt) applied the base dynamic to society and social interactions as a whole, not just the economic or owner to worker.

CRT extended the theory to racial conflict
CRT says white people are the oppressors and POC are the oppressed, a lot of this type of talk is seen throughout BLM talking points, speeches (i've seen many in person on campus myself) their propaganda

they even go as far as to call us "oppressor" and "colonizer"
so yes, in SOME sense, you can see that language Marx used to evaluate the world as he believed it to be, is alive and well in BLM.

however, i don't think the average person that is among the rioters knows or cares about any of that. i really don't think they have any clue.
to call the guy with the hammer breaking into the self-checkout machine at Target a "communist" is a bit odd to me. is he really some educated guy worried about social dynamics? i would bet everything he's not.
this guy falls into camp 2, tribal warfare.

he's on team POC, whites have resources he wants, so he's going to take them.

he doesn't need some theory that originated Germany in the 1800's or in Frankfurt at Columbia or in UCLA.

he's here for his LOOT and YOU have. that's it.
he's not doing this out of "communism" ideals. maybe some of the talking points on TV got him riled up, but does it matter? would it be needed?

he's doing the same tribal warfare his ancestors did, and his cousins are still doing today over in Africa.
he doesn't care about your theory of government.

if actual communists communally owned the Target, guess what? he'd loot them too.

he's just doing tribal warfare, he's going to take from any "other" tribe he's not in. same with most of them, i believe.
anyway, that's how i see CRT and tribalism intersecting here.

we can chat more about if if you have questions on an upcoming AMA.
do some of the people want communism? probably.

yet more importantly, they hate you for being white, simple tribal warfare. and some whites are siding with the POC, traitors exist. some are propagandized, some are not actually white. just some want to throw rocks at windows

it doesn't matter if they have more than you or not, individually or as a group. Oprah hates you. she really does. they all hate you.

if they were a million times more wealthy than us they would still hate us. they could legit be the "upper class" and would hate us.
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