The last few days my back and chest pain has been unbearable. As much as I know this is a result of having a large chest - my anxiety manifests in a way that makes me convince myself it is a symptom of a larger health issue. 1/?
While I know my bras don’t fit and cause discomfort, the pain is all I can focus on. I’ll start to spiral and think about other symptoms: in this case a heart attack because, ya know, chest pain. So my arm will hurt, my breathing will feel off, ect 2/?
Like do I know nothing is wrong? Yes. Does this stop me from catastrophic thinking? Absolutely not. Now with COVID, this has gotten worse. I am obsessively taking my temp in the morning/afternoon/night. I’m burning a fuck ton of insense to make 3/?
sure I’m not losing my sense of smell. Likewise, I’m snacking more to make sure I can still taste things. I’m monitoring my breathing but then I start feeling like it’s off and obsess over that. This is just a more bizarre way my OCD manifests and it’s been 4/?
heightened since lockdown. I’ve been doing this my whole life, but the onset of the pandemic has ramped it up. I guess this was a rant for my friends and family who’ve seen me off my shit lately but idk. These symptoms are dumb and nonsensical but that doesn’t invalidate them 5/?
I guess what I’m getting at is to be patient with your non neurotypical friends/family/partners/coworkers. Times are weird and uncertain. There’s no rhyme or reason to it, some of us just have weird fucking symptoms and ways of coping. end thread (maybe)
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