1/ More than 500 teachers, staff, students and parents from across the state have shared w/us their thoughts on schools reopening during #covid19colorado. It's a complicated conversation.

As the school year approaches, we'll keep adding to this thread. Here's what you've told us

"I think Mesa County D51 is making a huge mistake. I'm a teacher there & have 3 kids in 3 schools. We'll be doing online for them bc our rate has been climbing and I don't feel they have an actual plan in place. There's nothing at all in their plan concerning SPED kids."

"As a teacher, I want to be back in my classroom so badly. I didn't enjoy remote learning. I missed being with my students. I'm also really afraid to return to school. Many don't realize how difficult it will be to follow all the protocols. I feel I'm in a no-win situation."

"I'm worried for everyone. I'm scared I will lose my job. I work as a bus assistant — I work with special needs kids and help the drivers focus on the road and not the kids.
With no one to take to school, there's no need for my job so there's no need for me."

"Being face-to-face means people will get sick. No one should be going into a school building. I am ready to strike, and then to quit my job that I love, rather than be sacrificed for no reason or to be complicit in one of my students being sacrificed."

"I have two boys — a 2 yr old and a 7 yr old. Remote learning was a failure for us all. We are two working parents and it was incredibly stressful trying to find time in the day to 'teach' him. Balancing risk, we want our son back in school."

"My wife is a teacher in Jeffco. She feels like being asked to return is a death sentence. She feels as though the community did not embrace common-sense social distancing and mask wearing, and so did not earn the privilege of being able to send their kids back to school."

"I am scared. The district is not prepared, my school is not prepared. There are so many unanswered questions. I'm being asked to do the work of 2 teachers, and have been given minimal time to prep and plan. We are being criticized for wanting to have a safe work environment"

I've been a teacher since 1997. I love everything about teaching. I'm nervous though, but I can't fall on one side or the other. Everyone — teachers, parents, kids, administration, and businesses are going to have to take one on the chin. We should all walk as one."

"I am a product of the SVVSD and I am ashamed at how the community is being treated. I am currently obtaining a Masters online and will continue to be an online student for as long as is necessary. To put children and teachers in jeopardy is unacceptable."

More tomorrow.
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