The nightless city massacre still gets to me. like the cultivators that were gathered there for the "pledge" conference, were really there to massacre the wens. like, jgs and jgy had xy make wn lose control so that jgs can renegade on the promise he made to wq. she burnt to death
and her people died anyway. not only that, they were thrown into the blood pool to deny them a chance at reincarnating, ever!! there is cruelty, and then, there is cruelty. when wwx went up to nightless city, there were literally more than 2000 cultivators there. can you imagine?
and when that one cultivator shot him, he was aiming for wwx's heart, but his aim was off and wwx (who was literally archery champion) shot him and killed him and that galvanised the entire force of over 2000 cultivators against him. THATS >2000 vs 1. there is nothing righteous
about that. no matter how you look at it. wwx called up the corpses to fight against the cultivators, and it shows his strength that he was able to continue fighting anyway in spite of all the injuries he'd suffered. and people literally telling him to quietly die. like wtf sect
leader yao. when that jin boy who tried to stab wwx accidentally stabbed yanli when she tried to protect wwx, and when wwx killed him, sect leader yao's reaction was, how dare you kill him. he was only trying to kill you. like yes, i think wwx gets that he was trying to kill him
lxc was like, when you got tired of killing, mate you were literally there to kill that 1 person. what was he supposed to do? just lay there and quietly die? escape? because if he escaped you all would have chased him anyway and killed him. is murder wrong, yes. but what were you
all trying to do. and all the sects gathered and stormed the burial grounds, and slaughtered the wen remnants. and it was a slaughter. there was no righteousness about it at all. they murdered those people, threw their corpses into the blood pool with the intention of not letting
them reincarnate. ever. they went into the burial mounds, saw the huts, saw the poverty, saw the suffering, saw the work that went into their survival, saw that there was no army, saw that these people couldn't rise up against them even if they tried. they still slaughtered
them anyway. all the sects that banded together for the siege are complicit for genocide. for them it was closing a chapter and brushing the dirt under a rug, because history is written by the victors and they can speak of the greater good. but they committed genocide, and killed
a bunch of people who couldn't defend themselves. in that moment, they are as bad as the wens. and no amount of justification will right that. they can try and blame it on the jins, on jgy or jgs, on wwx, but they were there, they saw it, they slaughtered them like farm animals
but what really gets to me is that they threw the remnants into the blood pool. like they made a choice to throw them into a blood pool. and all the sects there were okay with it. with the cruelty. it was a conscious choice made by a bunch of bloodthirsty people. it was literally
them hiding the ugly thing they did. because no one enters the burial mounds, no one would discover it. who is crazy enough to enter the burial mounds. and they banked on that. no one would have noticed. and the utter lack of remorse from the ones who took part in the siege. like
they honestly behave like they did no wrong. just how cruel are they? their argument, wens did it, sure, the wens did do it. the sects experienced wen ruohan and his supporters' cruelty. fine. but instead of doing better, they doled out the same punishments that the wens did.
they wanted to behave like the wens. experience the power that wens did. it was history repeating itself. more like, the clans ensuring that history would keep repeating itself. what gets to me is that the sects were out for death. death for wwx and death for the wens.
they dedicated themselves to the cause. they wanted to close the chapter by eradicating wwx and the wens. so they would have found a way no matter how much wwx fought. it's just so sad. i am sad for the wen remnants. i am sad for granny. for the innocents that died. war is ugly
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