Curating The best of @mattlemay (for me)
1-Product management in theory is very different from product management in practice.

"In theory, product management is a masterfully played game of chess. In practice, product management often feels like a hundred simultaneous games of checkers."
2-Spend no more than one page and one hour on any deliverable before sharing it.
3-Communication: Clarity over comfort.
4-Organization: Communications at scale.
5-Avoid the temptation of being president of the meeting-haters club.
6-Technical skills are not transferable.

"any assessment of the required hard skills for a specific product management role should begin with the work that a product manager will be expected to do day-to-day — which, in most cases, is much more connective than it is technical"
7-Agile in 3 sentences

* Agile means that we start with our customers
* Agile means that we collaborate early and often
* Agile means that we plan for uncertainty
8-First Law of Organizational Gravity: individuals in an organization will avoid customer-facing work if it is not aligned with their day-to-day responsibilities and incentives.
9-Agile is not about speed of execution, it’s about speed of delivering value to customers
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