Bots, GOPrs, white upper middle class "liberals" & narcissistic jerks who care only about Facebook likes keep saying "Why support Biden" because slogans like "corporate this & that." Its the symptom of stupid people with no skin in the game to ask that question.

So, answers:...
...1. Restoring, expanding Voting Rights Act. Red states - and some purple - are brilliant at creating methods to block people of color from voting. That exploded with SCOTUS takedown of VRA. Well-to-do "liberals" who dont care are narcissists.

2. Attacking gerrymandering...
...We are at a census year which means, just like in 2010, the GOP can diabolically create nonsense districts for the sole purpose of overwhelming popular support. More dems support independent commissions so this stops happening....
...3. Help millions who lost health insurance under Trump. There is nothing that better highlights the "love humanity, hate people" arrogance of "I wont vote" liberals. *Millions* have lost health insurance. *Millions* can get it back, & even millions more with a public option...
...these idiots who think it's Medicare for All or nothing don't realize - they also wouldnt vote in *any democracy in the world.* NO country has a "everyone gets it free, all paid by the government, no exceptions" standard they want. There are many reasons for this....
...under public option, if you want Medicare, you can buy into it (lowering the price for all insurance). If you cant afford it, you will get subsidies. If you *really* cant afford it, you will get Medicaid. The *only* difference? Upper middle class people will still be paying...
...something for insurance. So make absolutely no mistake: What these people demanding MforA or nothing are actually saying is "I dont want to pay for insurance." Thats it. This is NO different than self-centered GOPrs who say "I dont want to pay taxes." Their objection cannot... about people in need, because they have been endlessly fighting against programs that would help people in need, but wouldn't help *themselves* that much.

4. A national covid plan that will save lives (Go read it, it's on Biden's campaign website.) People of color are...
...being ravaged by Covid. Afr Americans, Hispanics have highest death toll. Thats why one conserv was caught on tape saying Covid is not a bad thing. Our poorer communities need protection. If you dont care, if you say youre liberal & dont think just THAT's enough, you're evil..
....4b. Essential workers. Trump and company just throws them into the buzzsaw because *they don't care.* They know that, for every one of these workers who die, there's somebody else who will take the job. (WTF do you think cutting unemployment benefits if ABOUT). Biden has...
...a massive program focused solely on protecting essential workers. He is going to treat them like people with lives and familires, not like "human capital." But if you're a liberal with no skin in that game, and who refuses to vote, you don't give a damn....
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